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    Family is being thrown to celebrate Neptunes birthday and the Easter holiday. The party will be held outside on 15 acres of land in Northern Virginia on April third 1999. directions will be announced soon. There will be 2 bonfires and you are welcome to bring tents and blankets,  We encourage you to bring water as we will have a limited supply availiable.  More information will be avaliable soon, keep checking this page for updates.


take 495 to rt 7 west, follow through leeseburg, take rt 9 towards Charlestown (right) about two miles down make a left onto rt. 704, then takeyour first right onto Stillmeadow Ln. it is the first house on the left. Park in the front yard, not on the street.


ALSO:  please try and carpool, we have alot of space but even our lot will run out if everyone decides to drive.. thank you.